
Become a Worlds™️ Venue

Unlike traditional planetarium distributors, our shows cost you nothing - there are no licensing fees. On the other hand, they can bring in significant direct and indirect revenue while significantly helping your science education mission.

How we select our venues

The vast majority of our venues are planetariums, but we also work with giant-screen cinemas and flying rides. Our minimum resolution is 2k, but we prefer 4k and above.

To avoid marketing overlap, we select one venue in each municipal region to work with.

Our aim - to create world-class experiences which Change Worlds - means not all venues will be suitable. Our Technical team will discuss your venue's specs with you. We can sometimes help with technical upgrades to bring a venue up to our minimum standard.

If we are already active in your region, please still get in touch as we have a waiting list, and our venues sometimes have outages.

WORLDS™️ Venue enquiry form

If you are interested in becoming a WORLDS™️ venue, we'd love to hear from you. Our team will be in touch within seven days to set up a call.

Venue Details


Your Details




Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your questions about our services, partnership benefits, and the impact on your venue.

WORLDS™️ and Change Worlds™️ are trademarks of Moodswings LLC, registration pending